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Hardware Hack Lab

Volumetric Imaging with Looking Glass

Looking Glass are a cool startup making 3D displays. They dropped by the lab last night to show us the products they've been developing.

Most impressive were the new volumetric display prototypes. Prototype 3D cubes, which they plan to mass manufacture and sell online - appropriately named 'L3D Cube'.

These guys are hackers at heart and brought in some cool demos to show off. One of them involves holding a plastic painting palette. On the palette are bits of colored play-doh hooked up to a Makey-Makey and a Leap Motion.

When you press your finger on the play-doh you can switch colors, and as you wave your hand above the Leap you move a cursor in 3D space. In this way you have direct control over the contents of the L3D Cube.

You can check out more on their (very successful) Kickstarter, or check out their original work in volumetric prints.